5 Top Marijuana Strains that Foster Focus and Productivity

byRachelDugas3 minutes

Lazy summer days are coming to an end as Labor Day approaches and we prepare ourselves to return to work and school. It can be challenging to rein in our monkey brain after letting it run wild and free during the summer and you may find yourself spacing out in a daydream at your desk as you relive your beach vacation. If you need help snapping out of it and jumping into high gear, the right strain of cannabis can help.


Even without vacation brain, a focused mind is hard to come by these days as our attention spans shrink with every new app and phone notification. The good news is that we can train our brain to focus just like we can train our muscles. You can improve your mental health and increase your potential for focus by practicing meditation regularly, eating nutritious foods, exercising, and getting plenty of rest.


5 Strains for Focus and Productivity

Cannabis can be a great tool for focus and productivity when you find the right strain. Of course, it is important to tune into yourself first to find out why you can’t focus. Are there too many thoughts racing through your brain? Or are you feeling dissociated and having a hard time motivating yourself to think about anything at all? Keep that in mind and take a look at our top five strain recommendations to help you focus.

Pineapple Express


Pineapple Express was made famous by the movie of the same name, this popular strain is very helpful for treating medical problems like depression and stress. A hybrid cross of Trainwreck and Hawaiian, the effects are described as calming and stimulating, easing symptoms of depression while increasing focus, awareness, and creativity.

Island Sweet Skunk


Island Sweet Skunk is a tropical-flavored sativa strain is popular for its happy and energetic effects. Mostly felt as a head high with mild body relaxation, this strain is helpful if you’re feeling low and need a creative boost to get things done. Best kept for the daytime, it’s often used to treat anxiety, depression, ADD, nausea, and pain.



Canna-Tsu is a CBD-rich hybrid is a cross of Cannatonic and Sour Tsunami, offering a mellow experience that is both upbeat and relaxing. With a 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD, patients describe immediate feelings of calm, along with a mood boost and the ability to focus. Used to treat pain, inflammation, and mental health conditions such as ADHD, depression, and bipolar disorder, this is a great one-strain-fits-all cure.



Papaya is a deliciously fruity indica strain that offers some sativa-like benefits. Papaya relaxes both the mind and body, bringing a light mood elevation. While this strain makes some patients feel tired, others find it makes them energetic and productive, so it’s definitely one to test and find out for yourself. Ideal for evening use, papaya is used to treat anxiety, ADHD, cramps, lack of appetite, and migraines.



Cinex is a sativa-hybrid cross of Cinerella 99 and Vortex, Cinex is an uplifting strain with upbeat, energetic effects. The effects are clear-headed and focused - ideal for being creatively productive. A known mood elevator, Cinex is often used to treat patients experiencing pain or depression.

If you are new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it's 100% online, private and efficient.