6 Halloween Movies That Pair Well With Cannabis

bytcleppe4 minutes

October is a month for carving pumpkins, sipping apple cider and enjoying the best Halloween movies with a little cannabis. It may sound crazy to watch a horror movie after consuming marijuana, especially if paranoia is a common side effect for you. But here’s the thing: Not all marijuana is the same and not all Halloween movies have to be scary.


Depending on the strain, cannabinoid ratio and terpenes, cannabis can impart different effects. While one type of marijuana may make you feel paranoid, another may have you laughing and relaxed, ready to enjoy movie night.

Similarly, some of the very best movies to watch on Halloween aren’t horror movies at all. Here’s a list of the top six movies to watch this Halloween season, in no particular order. It’s complete with options for every horror tolerance level, so there’s something for everyone.

So, curl up with your favorite cannabis pre-roll, marijuana edible or tincture-infused beverage; pop some popcorn and have the perfect spooky movie marathon.


1. “Hocus Pocus” Puts the Giggles Into a Spooky Premise

I said this list was in no particular order, but that’s not exactly true. There’s a reason this movie choice is number one, and that’s because it’s the best Halloween movie of all time (in my humble opinion). Sure, it’s a Disney movie from 1993 intended for a young adult audience, but with a leading cast of Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy, this is a crowd-pleaser for anyone.

Take it back a couple of decades and watch this all-star cast of resurrected witches wreak hilarious havoc on the small town of Salem. It’s got a perfectly festive set design and costumes that may just inspire you to switch up your own Halloween costume.

2. “Beetlejuice” Is an ’80s Classic to Get You Into the Halloween Mood

From famed director and creepy creative genius Tim Burton, this 1988 film brings back tons of nostalgia. The plot is pretty straightforward: The ghosts of a young, dead couple turn to a rotting and green-haired demon in the hopes he can scare the new family in their former house enough to get them to move out.

It’s a perfectly quirky movie, starring Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder and Michael Keaton that you probably watched back when it came out. Be ready for impressive ’80s fashion and a bizarrely entertaining movie with unforgettable visuals.

3. “The Shining” Combines a Terrifying Novel With a Directorial Masterpiece

“The Shining” is as classic as it gets when it comes to American horror movies. This psychological thriller is directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on a novel by Stephen King, and starring Jack Nicholson—a trifecta of talent that culminates in one very scary and memorable film.

Follow along as a mother, father and young son hole up in an isolated and haunted ski lodge that drives Jack Nicholson’s character into a violent psychosis. There’s a pair of creepy twins, a young boy with haunting premonitions and a classic chase scene through a snowy maze. Don’t watch this one alone.

4. Watch the Original “Halloween,” the Slasher Film That Started It All

No Halloween movie list would be complete without this namesake film from 1978. This is one of America’s first “slasher” films, inspiring a whole genre in its wake that’s still going strong today.

In this movie, a young Jamie Lee Curtis fights for her life after a killer escapes from a mental hospital and comes back to his hometown to finish what he started 15 years before. And if the original sounds too dated for you, check out the updated sequel that’s just arrived in theaters.

5. In “American Psycho,” Christian Bale Is at His Creepy Best

In the same vein as “The Shining,” this psychological thriller starring Christian Bale is so creepy your skin will be crawling for days. “American Psycho” is based on the famous novel by Bret Easton Ellis and features a rich New York City investment-banking executive who hides his psychopathic tendencies and violent ego behind a carefully crafted façade. While the storyline is scary, the acting is what really brings this movie home.

After watching this film, you’ll spend a week suspicious of all your coworkers, wondering if any of them has a secret life like Patrick Bateman did. You may even spend a few days questioning your own fascination with outward appearance, ego and the American dream.

6. “Get Out” Is a Horror Flick That Makes You Think

This film took the world by storm in 2017, bringing home tons of awards and record-breaking box office results. The storyline follows a young couple going to stay with the girlfriend’s parents; and it’s the first time the boyfriend is meeting them.

As soon as they arrive, the boyfriend finds himself at the center of attention he never wanted. This film is still relatively new, so no spoiler alerts here. If you want to know more about “Get Out,” you’ll just have to curl up with some cannabis and check it out for yourself.

“Get Out” brings all sorts of jump-out-of-your-seat moments, paired with social commentary, fantastic acting and even some comedic relief. It really does check all of the entertainment boxes.

Hopefully, this list has something for everyone, whether you enjoy psychological thrillers or family-friendly Disney flicks. Have a happy and safe Halloween.

Photo credit: Tony Hernandez

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