Cannabis & Yoga: A Match Made in Heaven

bypamela4 minutes

At HelloMD, we often discuss the transformative power of cannabis and the healing aspects of combining cannabis with exercise. For professional or serious amateur athletes, cannabis is often used to intensify mental focus or to help aid sports recovery, due to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

I’ve personally found that microdosing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) will soothe my painful muscles riddled with lactic acid and ease overall inflammation. Microdosing has been a great addition to my yoga practice; it allows for a deepening of my practice and freedom from stressful thoughts that accumulate throughout the day.


The Healing Power of Cannabis & Yoga

Om Rising yoga & music festival
Register now and use code "om_hellomd" to save 10%.

The marriage of cannabis and yoga feels like a match made in heaven, as both have been incredibly healing forces in my own life. Since puberty, I experienced debilitating migraines, which traditional pharmaceuticals could not treat effectively. Over time, I found myself increasingly reliant on Vicodin, until a friend suggested I try medical marijuana. Within six months of starting a high CBD-low THC protocol, I had left my Vicodin behind and was preventing my migraines altogether.


During these years, where my health often felt like a struggle, yoga was my constant companion. An equalizing force, both mentally and physically, yoga always made me feel like a reset button was within my reach. Whether it’s been a life-threatening illness of someone close to me, a stressful health condition or a really bad day at work, yoga has been, and still is, my go-to solution. Maintaining a consistent practice hasn’t always been easy, but has felt like my insurance policy for overall physical and mental wellness, especially under times of extreme stress.

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’ve had the luxury of choice when it comes to top-notch yoga studios and teachers. Through the years, my favorite studio has always been Yoga Tree, a multi-studio retreat founded by Tim and Tara Dale, featuring some of the country’s best yoga teachers. (Pictured below is Peter Walters, one of Yoga Tree's illustrious teachers.)

Peter Walters, one of Yoga Tree's luminaries who will be at Om Rising

Yoga at this particular studio goes beyond a standard Vinyasa practice, often incorporating live music and a focus on the deeper meaning behind yoga and its overall effect on body, mind and soul. So much so that I often refer to going to class at Yoga Tree as attending my “church.”

Om Rising: The Premier Playful Yoga Retreat

With that said, it was extremely exciting to hear that Tim Dale is launching Om Rising, a new, weekend-long NorCal yoga + music festival, nestled in the woods of Mendocino County—where yoga luminaries like Peter Walters, Mark Morford, Christy Brown and Sonya Genel, among others, will be leading various yoga sessions. Musical artists such as Jai Uttal and Suzanne Sterling will be performing throughout the weekend as well.

When HelloMD was asked to participate at the event, in conjunction with the women’s cannabis networking group Ellementa, I was ecstatic because as stated above, I think that yoga and cannabis go together about as well as chocolate and peanut butter—really, really well.

Tim Dale, founder of OM Rising, says, “We’re thrilled to open up the dialogue, reduce the stigma and start the conversation around the health and wellness benefits of cannabis and CBD at Om Rising as just one of many unique offerings for the first year of our gathering.”

Om Rising will take place on the beautiful grounds of Camp Navarro.
Om Rising will take place on the beautiful grounds of Camp Navarro.

The Ellementa Playground at OM Rising

Om Rising will offer a cannabis 101 class (for ages 21 and over) in a large, grassy, outdoor amphitheater, as well as a microdosing class for therapeutic purposes by Ellementa leaders Laurie Light and Tali Eisenberg. In addition, festival attendees will be able to experience The Ellementa Playground, powered by HelloMD, which will be a “magical, interactive space where you can get in touch with your inner child," says Ellementa CEO and co-founder Aliza Sherman.

She adds, "Play is the key word for the free-form activities where you can play joyfully, chill out, get creative and connect with cannabis and CBD experts who can feed your curiosity.” Aliza and I will also be speaking during the weekend, sharing our experiences about the transformative nature of both yoga and cannabis.

Join us for Om Rising, NorCal’s new yoga + music festival on Oct. 5–8, 2018. Get your yoga on in the stunning redwoods with the Bay Area’s most beloved teachers on over 200 acres in Mendocino, CA.

Use promo code “om_hellomd" to save 10% on your ticket.

Note: This is B.Y.O.C. Cannabis won't be provided during this event.

Photo credit: Matthew Kane (main image)